5 things to know about Maldives’ defence pact with China amid tensions with India

The recent announcement of a military pact between the Maldives and China has sent ripples across the Indian Ocean region, raising questions about the strategic landscape and the evolving dynamics between regional powers. As Indian troops who were there for assistance are asked to exit the Maldives, this development underscores the need for a nuanced understanding of the geopolitical shifts at play. Let's explore five key insights into this defense agreement and its implications, with a focus on the enduring ties between India and the Maldives.

  1. The Nature of the Pact:

  1. Maldives and China have inked a military pact aimed at bolstering bilateral ties.

  2. The agreement, signed between Maldives's Minister of Defense, Mohamed Ghassan Maumoon, and Major General Zhang Baoqun from China's Office for International Military Cooperation, signifies a deeper engagement between the two nations in the defense realm.

  3. While specifics of the pact remain undisclosed, its overarching goal is to strengthen military cooperation between Maldives and China which is concerning for India.

  1. Strategic Realignment Amidst Indian Troop Withdrawal:

  1. President Mohamed Muizzu's administration has advocated for the removal of Indian troops from Maldivian soil, echoing a campaign promise of asserting national sovereignty.

  2. However, the enduring friendship between India and the Maldives transcends transient geopolitical maneuvers.

  3. India's assistance in various sectors, including defense, infrastructure, and humanitarian aid, underscores its commitment to the Maldives' prosperity and security.

  1. Deep India-Maldives Relations:

  1. While the defense pact with China may signal a temporary shift, the historical ties between India and the Maldives remain strong.

  2. India has consistently supported Maldives in times of need, including during natural disasters and political crises.

  3. The Indian Ocean archipelago holds a special place in India's foreign policy, reflecting the cultural affinity and shared strategic interests between the two nations.

  1. Ensuring Regional Stability and Security:

  1. India's engagement with the Maldives is anchored in a shared commitment to regional stability and security.

  2. The presence of Indian troops in the Maldives has served as a bulwark against external threats and contributed to maritime security in the Indian Ocean region.

  3. As Indian troops prepare to exit, New Delhi remains committed to supporting the Maldives in bolstering its defense capabilities and ensuring regional peace.

  1. Response and Reactions:

  1. The defense pact has drawn attention from regional stakeholders, including India.

  2. While New Delhi has agreed to withdraw its troops from the Maldives, it has underscored its commitment to regional security and stability.

  3. Indian External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar said"The big change today in this part of the world is what has happened between India and its neighbours. When you say India is perceived as a big bully, you know, big bullies don't provide $4.5 billion when the neighbours are in trouble. Big bullies don't supply vaccines to other countries when Covid-19 is on or make exceptions to their own rules to respond to food demands or fuel demands or fertiliser demands because some war in some other part of the world has complicated their lives,".

  4. External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar's this recent remarks alluding to "big bullies"remark of Maldivian President have sparked speculation about India's stance on the evolving geopolitical dynamics in the Indian Ocean region.

Wind Up:

As the Maldives embarks on a new chapter in its foreign policy journey, the enduring friendship between India and the Maldives remains a cornerstone of regional stability and prosperity. While the defense pact with China may capture headlines, it is essential to recognize the depth of the bond between India and the Maldives, rooted in shared values and strategic interests. As India's troops prepare to depart, New Delhi reaffirms its commitment to supporting the Maldives' journey towards peace, prosperity, and sovereignty. In navigating the shifting sands of geopolitics, India and the Maldives stand as steadfast partners, united by a shared vision of a secure and prosperous Indian Ocean region.

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