Nicknames & Training of PARA SF Battalions : Men apart, Every man an Emperor

SF Battalions : Men apart, Every man an Emperor

In the chronicles of military valor, the Indian Army Para Commandos stand as a testament to unwavering courage, precision, and a commitment to safeguarding the nation's integrity. Born out of the crucible of the 1965 war, the seeds for this elite force were sown with the creation of the Meghdoot Force. This unit, under the leadership of Maj Megh Singh from the Brigade of the Guards, played a pivotal role in cross-border operations during the conflict, prompting the establishment of specialized forces for intricate military maneuvers.

Formation and Evolution:

Post the 1965 war, Meghdoot Force metamorphosed into the parachute force due to the critical importance of para-trooping in commando tactics. In July 1966, the 9th Battalion of the Parachute Regiment witnessed the birth of the first special ops unit in the Indian Armed Forces – 9 Para SF. A year later, on 1 July 1967, its sister unit, 10 Para SF, joined the ranks. Since then, the Para SF regiments have etched their saga of valor in significant conflicts, including the 1971 War, Operation Blue Star, Operation Cactus, Operation Pawan, the Kargil War, and recent surgical strikes in PoK.
The training of Indian Army Para Commandos is a grueling and intensive process designed to transform ordinary soldiers into elite warriors capable of executing high-stakes missions with precision and valor. The journey begins at the Paratroopers Training School (PTS) in Agra, a crucible where physical endurance, mental resilience, and specialized skills are honed to perfection.


[A] Basic Training

Physical Conditioning: The foundation of Para Commando training rests on robust physical fitness. Candidates undergo a rigorous fitness regimen, including endurance runs, obstacle courses, and strength training, to ensure they are in peak physical condition.

Weapon Proficiency: Para Commandos must master a diverse array of weapons. From assault rifles to sniper rifles and anti-tank missiles, proficiency with these tools is vital for their multifaceted roles.

Parachute Jump Training: As the name suggests, parachute training is fundamental. Candidates are trained to execute parachute jumps from varying altitudes, ensuring they can insert into any terrain with precision and speed.

[B] Specialized Training

Airborne Assault Techniques: Para Commandos are trained in airborne assault techniques, allowing them to conduct swift and covert operations behind enemy lines. This includes parachute jumps, helicopter insertions, and fast roping.

Close Quarter Battle: Urban warfare skills are imparted to navigate confined spaces with efficiency. The intricacies of close combat, involving room clearance and hostage rescue, are drilled into the commandos.

Survival Training: Para Commandos undergo survival training to thrive in diverse terrains and adverse conditions. This includes learning to source food and water, building shelters, and navigating through challenging landscapes.

Medical Expertise: Each Para Commando is trained as a medic. This skill is essential for providing immediate medical support during operations, where access to formal medical facilities may be limited.

Mountain and Jungle Warfare: Recognizing the varied terrains in which they might operate, Para Commandos receive specialized training in mountain and jungle warfare. This equips them to handle the challenges posed by different environments.

Glass Eating Ceremony:

A unique and symbolic aspect of Para Commando training is the "glass eating ceremony." Commandos, showcasing their physical resilience, break glasses with their teeth during this ritual. This ceremony symbolizes the mental and physical toughness required for their demanding roles.

Nicknames and Specializations:

The Para SF regiments, each with its unique nickname, showcase their diverse specializations:

1 Para SF - The Red Devils:

Raised in 1761, converted to Para SF in 1978.
Specializes in tactical needs and urban warfare.

2 Para SF - The Predators:

Originally raised in 1797, converted to SF in 2000.
Specializes in Mountain Warfare and Counter-Terrorism ops.

3 Para SF - Russel’s Viper:

Originally raised in 1813, converted to SF in 2002.
Specializes in Desert Warfare.

4 Para SF - The Daggers:

Originally raised as Para Airborne Unit in 1961, converted to SF in 2003.
Specializes in Mountain Warfare, Counterinsurgency, and Counter-Terrorism ops.

9 Para SF - The Mountain Rats:

Raised in 1966.
Specializes in Mountain Warfare, Counter-Insurgency, and Counter-Terrorism ops.

10 Para SF - Desert Scorpions:

Raised in 1967.
Specializes in Desert Warfare, Counter-Insurgency, and Counter-Terrorism ops.

11 Para SF - The Vipers:

Raised in 2011.
Specializes in Jungle Warfare, Counter-Insurgency, and Counter-Terrorism ops.

12 Para SF - The Dirty Dozens:

Raised in 2011.
Specializes in Jungle Warfare, Mountain Warfare, Counter-Insurgency, and Counter-Terrorism ops.

21 Para SF - The Waghnaks:

Originally the 21st Battalion of Maratha Light Infantry, converted to SF in 1996.
Specializes in Jungle Warfare, Mountain Warfare, Counter-Insurgency, and Counter-Terrorism ops.

Territorial Army Battalions and Airborne Assault Training:

The Parachute Regiment also boasts two territorial army battalions – 106 Para and 116 Para. Additionally, units like 5 Para, 6 Para, 7 Para, 23 Para, and 29 Para are trained in airborne assault techniques, enhancing the versatility of the Para SF.

Operations and Battles:

Operation Cactus (Maldives, 1988): The Para Commandos demonstrated their rapid response capabilities during Operation Cactus, thwarting a coup in the Maldives and restoring order.

Operation Pawan (Sri Lanka, 1987-1990): Deployed as part of the Indian Peacekeeping Force in Sri Lanka, Para Commandos played a pivotal role in quelling insurgency and maintaining peace.

Kargil War (1999): The treacherous mountains of Kargil bore witness to the valor of Para Commandos who executed daring missions, turning the tide in the conflict.

Wind Up:
The saga of the Indian Army Para Commandos is one of valor, sacrifice, and unyielding commitment to the defense of the nation. From their inception in the aftermath of the 1965 war to their pivotal roles in major conflicts and covert operations, the Para SF regiments exemplify the highest standards of military excellence. As they continue to guard the nation's frontiers, their motto, "Shatrujeet" – Conqueror of Enemies, echoes through the annals of history, immortalizing these silent warriors in the hearts of every Indian.

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